Tokens for Early Adopters

From total 3 rounds, we allocate 10% of total supply for early backers 5% for early private-sale and 7% for early ICO participants (in combined: )

As a part of Innovative startup, we obviously need supports from fund management or angel investors. We already got supports from several tech companies (AWS, Azure, Nvidia, Skaleway, etc) in service/benefit support, but we still need supports for accelerating the adoptions and invite more investors. Thus, we will use several rounds of coin offerings before we list the token to the market.

The funds we're collecting from those rounds we'll be using for:

  1. CEX listing fees

  2. Hiring more great developers

  3. Audits

  4. Adding stable coin liquidity

  5. Do marketing activity (ads, etc)

  6. and other partnership activities.

Token Offering Details

  1. Seeds

Seeds are allocated for angel investors and venture capitals who want to commit their fund earlier than anyone for development of Gitshock ecosystem. Seeds investors get the lowest price of GTFX token offering rounds. The details can be seen below.

Vesting Periods

*We decided to renew the lockup periods (cliffs) for Seeds and Private investors after some discussion with advisor and partners from 6 months cliffs (for seeds) into 12 months cliffs, and from 3 months cliffs (for private sales) to 8 months cliffs during 2 years of distributions.

Last updated